This is a one week Net Skins event with 12 foursome matches.
Wear a shirt with your team color.
Each foursome has been matched as evenly as possible. Each match is PLAYED off the foursome's lowest hcp. (Subtract HCP of lowest in group from others to determine match HCPs
Each hole is worth 1 skin. In order to win the skin you must have a lower net score than all of the other players in your foursome. If no one wins the hole it is considered a "Carry-Over". If someone wins the next hole they win the hole and the carry over holes as well.
The team with the most skins at the end of the matches wins the competition.
If at the end of the match you have any carry over's they are lost.
Player Of The Year (POTY) points are awarded to the first 2 place teams including ties. (2-1)